Owl and the Frog


The Owl and the Frog – Kingdom Animalia – 2024 juried exhibition has chosen The Owl and the Frog Exhibit for art inspired by animals of the natural and fantasy world (Mammals, Birds, Fish, Insects, Reptiles, Pets)

38″ H -14″ W 13″ D

Mixed Media Assemblage, Collage Art, Paper Mache Clay, Polished Rocks, Cotton, Found Objects, Junk Art


Inspiration rooted in the concept of The Owl and The Frog breathes life into this creation. It resonates as a dance between solidity and evanescence, with each transformation phase portraying an existential metamorphosis, mirroring the soul’s voyage through obscured realms of consciousness.

Birthed through a process as unique as its final form, it chronicled an alchemical fusion of elements and imaginings. Unearthed from the depths and spun into a tangible form, this piece holds an ever-present enigma, its essence as elusive and transcendent as the deep from whence it emerged.